Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Poll: Three out of five Texans support secession if Hillary becomes president

Will Axford, Houston Chronicle 081616

If anyone needs proof that the presidential race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton truly is dividing the country, they should look to Texas.

According to poll results from Public Policy Polling released Tuesday, three out of five Texans said they would support seceding from America if Hillary Clinton becomes president. 

The left-leaning polling firm learned Donald Trump leads 50 percent to Hillary Clinton's 44 percent after polling Texans. According to the polling results from PPP, only one out of four Texans support seceding from America generally. But when faced with the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton, a majority of Texans said they'd rather leave.

Other interesting results from the survey include 30 percent of Texans identifying as moderate, compared to 13 percent identifying as somewhat liberal and 29 percent as somewhat conservative. A small number said they were very liberal (9 percent) or very conservative (19 percent).

While most Texans identify as Republican (41 percent), 24 percent say they are independent while the remaining 35 percent identify as Democrat. 

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