Friday, August 26, 2016

62% of Voters Want Gary Johnson in the Debates

According to Quinnipiac's latest national poll, 62% of Americans and 85% of millenials want Gov. Gary Johnson allowed in the Presidential Debates. 

This is a game changer. Until now, the Commission on Presidential Debates was operating under the assumption they might be able to keep the debates limited to just two candidates. They set an artificially high requirement of a 15% average in five national polls for debate inclusion. Although they seemed open to making some concessions, it was never clear whether the commission actually intended to allow a third candidate on the stage, or if they just wanted it to appear that way. Now, their hand will be forced. Quinnipiac’s latest national poll finds 62% of Americans want Gary Johnson to be allowed into the Presidential Debates this year.

Simply put, that is not a number that can be ignored. It can’t be brushed aside by the Commission, or by the television networks desperate for ratings. There is no way that they can ignore the will of nearly two-thirds of the American public. 

Among 18 – 34 year olds, the most coveted demographic in television, 82% said they wanted to see Gary Johnson on the Presidential Debate stage. Network executives are likely thrilled by the possibility of capturing that large of a segment of the millennial population. They won’t pass up that opportunity willingly.

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