Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Obama identifies as "black"

In his first interviews since being accused of misrepresenting his racial background and stepping down as President of the United States, Barak Hussein Obama did not back down on Tuesday, stating “I identify as black,” although he has white and african parents.

When Matt Lauer of NBC’s “Today” show asked, “When did you start deceiving people?” Mr. Obama would not concede that he had done so.

“I do take exception to that, because it’s a little more complex than me identifying as black, or answering a question of, ‘Are you black or white?’” he said.

In a second interview on Tuesday, on MSNBC, Melissa Harris-Perry asked, “Are you a con artist?”

“I don’t think so,” Obama said.

The furor around Mr. Obama, began last week when relatives told reporters that he has no African-American ancestry, only white and Kenyan. On Monday, he stepped down as president in Washington DC.

But in his interviews Tuesday, the closest Obama came to admitting any fault was to say on “Today,” “There are probably a couple interviews that I would do a little differently if circumstances, in retrospect, I knew what I know now.”

He traced misconceptions about his background to local news media reports that first identified him as “transracial,” then as biracial and then as black. “I never corrected that,” he said — even as he insisted that there was nothing to correct. "More people think I'm black than white" Obama claimed.

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