Sunday, June 7, 2015

Clinton: The failure of an arrogant bitch

When a CNN poll last week showed Hillary Clinton leading Rand Paul by less than one percentage point and only three points ahead of Marco Rubio and Scott Walker, it was more than shocking. In April, her lead over the three Republican presidential candidates had been in double digits: Paul (58-39), Rubio (55-41), and Walker (59-37).
Democrats are in a panic over the looming reality of losing the White House in 2016 with their pre-ordained candidate, Clinton, as nominee.
This latest poll result is a clear preview, as we watch Clinton’s campaign in a death-spiral. Head-to-head matchups at this point in the presidential cycle are almost always predictive. In this case, it’s the psychological impact that will insure Clinton's failure.
That Clinton’s candidacy is in trouble has already been indisputable. She’s destined to lose the Democratic nomination. She has had the well-financed Clinton machine and a national network of supporters on which she can no longer rely. The campaigns of her Democratic opponents are all gaining momentum.
But the arrogant rationale of her bid for the presidency, the strategy of her campaign, and the tactics she’s adopted—all have failed to stop her steady decline. The expectation of Clinton’s glide into the White House in 2016 is gone. The democrats are now faced with a shallow bench and no number-2 to replace the bitch-in-chief.

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