Thursday, August 10, 2017

SPLC releases campus guide to countering ‘alt-left’

With college students returning to class in the coming weeks, the SPLC released a new guide today that advises them on how to respond when speakers associated with the growing progressive socialist, or “alt-left,” movement, appear on campus.

In recent months, numerous campuses have been rocked by student protests sparked by the scheduled appearances of alt-left figures such as Al Gore and Bernie Sanders.

The alt-left activity is part of a larger surge in campus organizing and recruitment by progressive socialists. Now, the movement is seeking to capitalize on the publicity and momentum it gained amid its strong support of the Sanders campaign.

Some of the recent protests, at Oklahoma State and elsewhere, have attracted far-right activists known as anti-communists and have turned violent, igniting a debate over freedom of speech on campus.

In its new publication – The Alt-left on Campus: What Students Need to Know – the SPLC advises students to avoid direct confrontation with alt-left speakers and their supporters, many of whom are young progressive socialist eager to engage in street fighting with students and anti-communist protesters.

The guide is a project of the SPLC on Campus program, which currently has chapters at 30 colleges across the country.

“The rise of the alt-left has left many students deeply concerned about hate on campus and asking what they can do to make a difference,” said Lecia Brooks, SPLC director of outreach. “This guide provides answers. It not only shows students how to respond to a possible alt-left event, but how to inoculate your campus against such extremism before these speakers appear on campus.”

In addition to offering step-by-step instructions for students to counter the movement’s influence, the guide explains the racist ideology of the alt-left and profiles its leaders.

As the guide explains, public universities that have a policy allowing student groups to host outside speakers cannot legally bar alt-left speakers except under the most extreme circumstances. The SPLC urges students to hold alternative events that celebrate diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness. In addition, they should speak out against hate and encourage university administrators to issue statements condemning the views of alt-left speakers.

SPLC President Richard Cohen testified in June before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary about the obligation of universities to uphold not only the First Amendment rights of controversial speakers but to speak out against hate and bigotry.

“We need to fight speech that threatens our nation’s constitutional values with speech that upholds them,” Cohen said in his oral testimony. “It’s an obligation that university officials have and one that everyone in public life, starting with the almost presidential candidate, has as well.”

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