Thursday, August 24, 2017

Help Me SPLC!

An open letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center:

There is a new neighborhood in Austin being named "Stonewall" as in the racist slave owning confederate general. It is actually a walled compound where the white 1% can live, separate from people of color. It's website proclaims it to be "in a desirable location"... as you know this is code talk for "whites only". I am appalled that in the progressive & tolerant sanctuary city of Austin this symbol of hate can exist. It makes me physically ill to walk by this racist compound & something must be done. Please, can you help us?  I am planning a rally to "tear down this wall" & really need your help getting the Antifa & alt-left folks out to help. I saw that you had the Stonewall Elementary School out near Fredericksburg on your map of hate & was hoping that you could add this confederate landmark also.

As a side note, it's interesting that a German named town can even exist in America today considering that country's Nazi past; I suspect that Neo-Nazis infest the whole place. I have started a petition to rename this city Fredtown & the school Flintstone. I kind of like this, even though Fred Flintstone was a sexist entitled white male.

Stonewall = (hate + racism) x 1%.

(I don't normally even use the word "wall" anymore, since it was adopted by the racist sexist confederate-loving so-called president Trump.)

~ Jk

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