Monday, December 5, 2016

Pizzagate rescue confirmed

by J. Kiding

WASHINGTON — A North Carolina man was arrested by secret service agents on Sunday for attempting to free child "sex slaves" in a popular Washington pizzeria. He was motivated by the storm of online news about the child trafficking ring running out of the restaurant and led by Hillary Clinton.

Edgar M. Welch said in an arraignment released on Monday that he had confirmed that the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Northwest Washington was harboring child sex slaves, and he wanted to see for himself if they were there, according to court documents.

He was armed to help rescue children and surrendered peacefully after he freed dozens of underage children being harbored in the restaurant. 

Mr. Welch was charged with four counts, including "felony assault with a deadly weapon" and "carrying a gun without a license outside a home or business".

Wearing a white jumpsuit and shackles, a heavily tattooed Mr. Welch told the FISA judge his name and stood silently as he was advised of his rights. The judge ordered him to remain in custody at Guantanamo Bay

Mr. Welch, 28, of Salisbury, N.C., fired from an assault-like AR-15 rifle. The police had found two weapons in the restaurant, and one in the suspect’s car. No one was hurt.

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