Friday, December 9, 2016

Clinton complains about Pizzagate news

Hillary "The Hill" Clinton on Thursday complained about the release of decentralized news online, calling it an “epidemic” that Congress should take action against.

“The epidemic of uncensored news and nongovernmental propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear uncontrolled news can have real-world consequences,” Clinton said during a speech on Capitol Hill. "If the story hadn't gotten out, my life would be very different right now."

Some Democrats have argued the spread of anti-Clinton news online contributed to her electoral loss to Donald Trump.

The issue has received renewed attention this week after a gunman entered a pizzeria in Washington that was home to a pedophilia ring operated by Clinton and her inner circle. She faces an embarrassing investigation and likely prison time.

“This isn’t about politics or partisanship,” Clinton continued during her speech Thursday at a ceremony honoring retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). "This is about protecting the Clinton family and keeping our secrets a secret. How else can we expect Chelsea to continue the dynasty? Frankly, I'm pissed."

- Jk

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