Saturday, October 15, 2016

PROOF: Ronald McDonald is the illuminati Antichrist

Is the sudden appearance of killer clowns worldwide a coincidence? There is now proof that one of the world's most iconic brands is also one of the most diabolical instruments of the Illuminati, and that's McDonald's and it's personification, Ronald McDonald. 

So far little research and study has gone into just how much this fast food chain serves the New World Order. Not only does McDonald's stand as the single-most successful restaurant ever, but it's also one of the Illuminati's most successful means of mind control and selective breeding. What this chain seeks to do is far more sinister than making as much money as possible. What it wants is to help usher in a new era where Satanism flourishes, and the people are largely clueless when it comes to the company's true intentions.

The first clue that points to the Illuminati is McDonald's golden arches logo. When viewed sideways, the image looks like the number "13" with the "M" as the "3" and the "McDonald's" as the "1." This is nothing new. However, the symbolism can be taken further. Not all of the McDonald's logos will look like "13" when turned on their sides. Some of them will look more like a "B," and that "B" does not stand for burger. It stands for Beelzebub. The company has a very crafty logo that represents two aspects of Satanism. Now if that's not enough, there's more.

McDonald's color scheme (red and yellow) also points toward satanic symbols. These colors are closely associated with fire, which is further associated with hell. When someone enters a McDonald's, they are surrounded by colors and symbols of Satan, and speculation exists about whether or not the fast food chain serves as a satanic temple as well. By luring people to a palace of gluttony, the Illuminati are achieving their goal of Satan worship without the worshipers even knowing it. Another fact that supports McDonald's acting as a satanic temple is that it functions mostly on cash, so when someone buys a meal, they pay with dollar bills.

And what temple could be complete without an idol? Greeting customers young and old alike is the iconic Ronald McDonald, and the happy clown is the subtle representation of Satan. With a head of red hair and face paint reminiscent of heathen rituals, this classic image is little more than a farce. In actuality, the clown was designed by the Illuminati to appeal to children in order to make them more susceptible to notions of Satan and hell.

Aside from the religious connotations concerning the Illuminati, there is also the practical side of the chain's existence, and that has to do with the order's selective breeding program. By producing cheap food loaded with sugar, hormones, and secret additives, McDonald's is striving to lower the life expectancy of its customers. In fact, the nutritional content is so poor that it can even affect libido thus making it harder to reproduce. Most people who consume McDonald's in large quantities tend to be poor and have low intelligence. These are people that the NWO do not want when they begin their era of dominance, and McDonald's serves the purpose of reducing their numbers.

The Illuminati's involvement goes much deeper than that. Recently, the fast food giant began to accept EBT cards (food stamps). This pretty much means that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has conspired with McDonald's to bring even more low-quality food to America's poor. Only the secret order could have concocted something this sinister. Together, the federal government and Ronald McDonald are working to shorten the lives of the lowest classes. Could the people in Washington be more evil? 

Apparently, we've all been unknowingly pre-programmed to carry out a mission for the Illuminati, and scary clowns are the symbol which will kick us into action.

So think twice before eating that Big Mac (6 letters in Big Mac, something to think about) and remember that a meal at McDonald's is a meal with Satan.

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