Sunday, June 26, 2016


To my daughter:

When the second amendment was written the flintlock rifle was state of the art weapons technology. It put the individual on equal footing with criminals, foreign armies, the federal government & other threats "foreign & domestic". The second amendment embodies the individual right to self-defense and the means to uphold all other individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As technology progresses so do the tools of self-defense. IMO there should be no limits to this right, except in very extreme circumstances (like not being able to yell "fire" in a movie theater relative to freedom of speech). The individual is entitled to any tool that is available to any aggressor.

There will always be crazy people that do crazy things, but it's statistically very rare. What disgusts me is when politicians take tragedy as an opportunity to promote their political agenda. The risk & trend that I see is that those in power want to increase & maintain control. One way that this is done is by reducing the individual's power. What we have been seeing recently is an incremental effort to make the People the servant of government. 

Remember, what makes America unique and what makes the constitution so important is that it puts limits on Government in order to keep it under control as the servant of the people.

I hear the flintlock argument all the time. It is usually made by sheep who would happily go to slaughter. Don't buy this bullshit, it is truly dangerous.

From my daughter:

I don't have an argument against the importance of limiting the power of government. I see the importance of this in history - from Hitler to Tiananmen to the US' repeated atrocities abroad to my own inherited anarchist spirit. However, I know that guns do not bring peace, and I am a pacifist. I do not believe that noble men drafted the constitution    bearing in mind the potential atrocities that come with mass production, mental illness, radical and shallow ideology, consumer culture, Twitter, Facebook, narco-corridos, drug trade, human-trafficking, grown men with inflated egos, gold chains, tear-drop tattoos, and mass murder in public spaces.

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