Thursday, May 19, 2016


The times they are a-changin’.

Just six years after its invention, BLOCKCHAIN technology has begun to shape a new global paradigm for organizing society.

You may have heard of Bitcoin, the unstoppable digital currency. It’s peer-to-peer money, made possible by the blockchain.

Bitcoin is super cool, but NOT the most exciting part of blockchain tech.

Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is merely the first blockchain ‘app’ of many to come.

Says Marc Andreessen, leading venture capitalist and blockchain evangelist:

“There is a very, very, very long list of things where if you can have online trust in the way that the blockchain provides, you can reinvent field after field after field.”

Field after field after field. Wherever a middleman stands astride a market of service providers and consumers taking a cut for matchmaking and managing data, there is huge potential for disruption.

Welcome to the blockchain revolution. Or more broadly: the DISINTERMEDIATION revolution.

Hey, central intermediary, with your temporary toll-booth extracting value from a peer-to-peer ecosystem: Your days are numbered.


Blockchain technology has begun to accelerate the transfer of power from top-down, centralized institutions to distributed networks driven by voluntary, peer-to-peer collaboration.

By empowering individuals to securely collaborate and exchange value without permission or middlemen, blockchain technology enables entirely new forms of social organization capable of transforming or replacing all existing centralized power structures.

Business folks who hear of blockchain technology can be forgiven for thinking: yes it all sounds great in the abstract. But where is the use case? Where is the grand example, the ‘killer app’, showing to the world the power of blockchain technology?

Now imagine this: What if blockchain tech could empower a decentralized driver swarm to bring down the giant called Uber? outperform and outmaneuver the highest-valued ($62B) privately- held company in the world?

We believe that it can — and that we will. Because the future is decentralized.

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