Sunday, January 3, 2016

It Takes a Clinton to Murder a Village: Hillary Clinton Ordered Waco Massacre

Hillary Clinton– not Bill, not Janet Reno, not Webb Hubbell, not Vince Foster– ordered the assault on Waco that killed 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 children, and two pregnant women– and motivated Timothy McVeigh to participate in the Oklahoma City bombings two years later on April 19, 1995.

In the spring of 1993, Mrs. Clinton had grown increasingly impatient with the Waco standoff, which came to dominate the headlines– preventing the administration from moving forward on health care reform (Hillarycare).

Clinton pressured Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell to expedite a forceful resolution to the standoff.

Appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live, fmr. White House aide Linda Tripp suggested that Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster– at Mrs. Clinton’s direction– transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian compound, which culminated in a military style attack.

“Give me a reason not to do this,” Janet Reno is said to have begged aides shortly before orders were issued in the final assault– during which 85 Branch Davidians were burned alive.

Tripp’s allegations lend weight to charges made previously by Special Forces expert and Waco investigator, Steve Barry– who claimed Hillary Clinton set up a special “crisis center” in the White House to deal with Waco. Serving with her was Vincent Foster– who, according to his widow, was subsequently “fueled by horror at the carnage at Waco for which the White House had ultimately been responsible.”

In the 1999 documentary Waco: A New Revelation, former House Waco investigator T. March Bell recalled:

One of the interesting things that happens in an investigation is that you get anonymous phone calls.

We in fact received anonymous phone calls from Justice Department managers and attorneys who believe that pressure was placed on Janet Reno by Webb Hubbell, pressure that came from the first lady of the United States.

Foster himself was found dead, from a gun-shot wound to the head, in a Virginia park three months later. Could he have known too much about Waco?

Journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard maintains that Foster had been “drafting a letter involving Waco” on the very day of his death. Moreover Evans-Pritchard says that Foster kept a Waco file in a locked cabinet that was off limits to everyone, including his secretary.

Prior to Waco, Foster was “dignified, decent, caring, smart” says Linda Tripp; in its aftermath, “Vince was falling apart.”

Tripp was with the former White House deputy counsel when the news about Waco broke on television…

I was with him — well, we had CNN all the time, not to plug, but it was always on in the White House. And a special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face turned white, and he was absolutely crushed knowing, knowing the part he had played. And he had played the part at Mrs. Clinton’s direction.

There was a marked contrast between Foster’s heartfelt emotion to the Waco tragedy and Hillary Clinton’s.

Tripp insists: “Her reaction…was heartless”. Read more HERE

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