Friday, January 29, 2016

How – and Why – to Get a Second Passport Now

We are living in a strange time. Hypocritical perverts are not arrested for child molestation and sexual abuse, instead they are indicted for‘structuring’ withdrawals to pay blackmail to the victim. And ‘lying to the government’.. about withdrawing his own money.

Simply possessing any large amount of cash allows the government to confiscate it. even if the owner is never charged with a crime. Essentially, carrying cash is illegal.

Every phone call, every email, every text, is at risk of being vacuumed up by a government desperate to end privacy in any form. Governments are becoming more efficient – unfortunately, that efficiency is only related to violating your privacy.

If you owe the IRS, or student loans, or child support, you will soon be denied a US passport.

As ‘developed’ governments begin to deteriorate, as the treasuries empty and economies crumble, the number of regulations, laws, edicts and rules multiply to the point it is literallyimpossible to not break the law every day. Capital controls and travel restrictions become the last play.

If you do not have a second passport, you are a prisoner – a slave to a country that owns you by the accident of the location of your birth.

What Type of Second Passport Do I Need?

First, let’s discuss what you do notneed. There are hundreds of scams and ripoffs, and all of them will end up causing you endless grief and problems. There is no legitimate vendor that can deliver you a quick, cheap and simple second passport. They are the same people who send you good news emails from Nigeria.

Now, let’s discuss what you do want in a second passport country.

  • Worldwide visa-free travel
  • Easy and inexpensive to legally obtain
  • No or limited extradition
  • Quality of life
  • Inefficient police/intelligence state
  • Unwilling to be bullied by the US and EU

Taking these goals into consideration, Here are the best countries for a second passport, and how to obtain them.

1. Brazil

Though it is rarely considered, this is the hands-down best country for a second passport in the world. I received my Brazilian passport in a total of 197 days, at a total cost of around $1800 in lawyers fees and taxes.

Brazil is a melting pot – European, African, Asian and Indian heritage are all represented. The entire country is beautiful.

Once you receive residency, you can travel almost any country in South America passport-free, with only your national ID card (no tracking, no visa, no records of movement). They do not extradite Brazilian citizens – ever – for anything. Even though there is a Brazil-US agreement on a few major offenses, the Brazilian constitution forbids extradition and it has never happened…not once.

Visa-free travel to 146 countries. Establishing a parallel banking systemto bypass US/EU-dominated SWIFT. Laying an internet cable directly to Portugal to bypass the US and the NSA.

I got my passport through marriage, but Brazil is easy – marriage, adoption, starting a business, buying a property – there are multiple options, just be prepared to hire a local to navigate if you do not speak Portuguese.

2. Panama

If you are one of the 48 nations included in Panama’s ‘Friendly Nations Program’ (including all of EU), then Panama may be the absolute easiest place in the world to obtain residency and a passport.

If you can deposit $5000 into a personal bank account (which you own – it can be withdrawn immediately), proof of employment, operation of a business (internet businesses are popular) or ownership of income property, you qualify.

Once you apply, you literally only need to spend about two weeks a year in the country to maintain residency, and in five years, you have citizenship. No taxes on income earned outside Panama, good banking secrecy, excellent corporate structure privacy, visa-free travel to 124 countries, travel all of Central and South America with no passport (no immigration records, no tracking, no visa)

3. Singapore

With the most valuable passport in the world, Singapore is surprisingly easy to obtain residency, and then two years later, naturalization, by setting up a local company (internet, trading, etc) doing business outside of Singapore. There is a high cost of living, but the banking, privacy and economy are among the best in the world.

Other Notable Jurisdictions for Second Passports

Ecuador – I lived there for 2 years, and while the country is beautiful and the people are great, the government is rabidly socialist, the internet sucks outside of Quito, and the visa-free travel is limited. They do use the dollar as currency, but the banking system is perpetually broke and it is hard to open an account until you have residency. Marry a local and you can get a passport in as little as 18 months.

Israel – If you are willing to convert, you can get residency, and then a passport, fairly quickly. Of course, they have the most hated passport on the planet and you may have to join the military, but other than that..

Ireland – Passport by marriage in two years, and everything that comes with EU membership.

Need a Quicker Second Passport Solution?

The islands of Dominica, St Kitts, and Antigua all have legitimate ‘investment’ passports, where for upwards of $100k per person, or double that for real estate investment, you can qualify for immediate citizenship.

Malta, Croatia, Jamaica, and Cyprus are all either considering, or are in the process of enacting, ‘Citizenship by Investment’ programs as well.

Whatever plan you decide, you have to decide to make a plan. As GATCA begins to take effect in the next 2 years, anyone without a second passport, an established overseas bank account and hard assets put away from the grasp of your home country is going to be too late to escape. Take a minute and learn about GATCA, and see why you need a second passport, an offshore bank account and an established escape plan now, while you can.

Up next, FATCA, GATCA, and how to keep your money and your freedom from being confiscated. Effective ways to convert cash and bitcoin into safe, anonymous and clean assets without going to jail.

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Cashing Out – What is Your Strategy?

Personal Freedom and Financial Privacy is Disappearing

Governments around the developed world, desperate for assets, are using laws designed to combat terrorism to keep track of, contain, and control your money and your freedom.

Suddenly, keeping your assets and property in the type, location and form that you choose has become nothing short of a criminal act. Your desire to hold property that you earned in a manner that keeps it out of the hands of the Treasury makes you suspect, and trust me, it is only getting worse.


The End of Cash

Banks throughout the world are trying to ban cash, forcing you to keep your money in the bank, under the control of the government. At the same time, the same governments are making it illegal to collect and pay for goods and services with cash.

edit – the tactic of banning cash is accelerating throughout the EU. Google search, ‘ban on cash’.

Depositing cash into your bank account can get your entire savings seized, with little to no recourse. Using a P2P service like LBC to buy and sell your bitcoin can result in LE contact, and will soon be viewed as a violation of MSB (criminal) regulations.


Where Exactly is the World Heading?

  • Most ‘wealthy nations’ are actually bankrupt, owing debts they can never pay, and this makes them dangerous. When governments go broke, they immediately, with no warning, begin passing laws to legalize the theft of your property and savings.
  • Laws and regulations are being passed at a blinding rate, regulating ownership and trade in bitcoin, currency and metals. In the US, it is now legal to confiscate property or currency of any large amount, without any reason or cause. The DEA will take your money, and dare you to claim it.
  • Surveillance and government spying is growing, and any website you visit (, for example) or comment you make can put you on a watch list.

And the cold hard truth? The US and European banking and payment systems are crumbling, and due for a reset. When the system collapses, we can either become victims of the past, or plan for the future. Power and wealth have always shifted, and it is about to happen again.


The problem we face is preserving freedom against the growing centralized power of a few great political and financial powers. The answer, the only answer, is diversification and decentralization.

The same ideas, goals and technologies that brought us bitcoin have also given us the ability to keep our assets, and conduct our business, in any way we want. But to do this correctly, there must be a plan.

It is no longer necessary to do business, keep your savings, own real estate, live and pay taxes all in the same country. In future posts, I will drill down deeper into strategies I use for my clients, but for now, here are the basics.


How to Keep Your Money and Your Freedom

passport-brazil1. Acquire a Second (or Third) Passport

This does not mean some sketchy Lithuanian passport from a DNM vendor (or a clearnet vendor). Any passport that you can buy, or that promises delivery in 3 months, or 6 months, is bullshit and wasted money.

There are some fairly easy (1 year wait) and valuable passports available from visa-free travel countries that do not recognize financial crimes as legitimate grounds for extradition. I had a total of three, legally obtained passports until FATCA laws made it logical for me to renounce my US citizenship, as more and more people are doing. Read here to find out why.

Why a second passport? Besides the likelihood of negative events like social unrest, lawsuits, LE troubles and safer travel, think of a second passport as your ’emergency escape plan’, and the key to separating your assets from easy reach.

Additionally, many (most) of my clients are from the US, and this makes it much easier to establish financial accounts and use services that will not operate in the US or do business with US citizens.

There are simple, cost-effective techniques for receiving citizenship and a passport from high-value, visa-free travel countries without bribes or scams. I will cover these on my next post.

2. Move Your Assets to Safety

offshore-bankingOther than a local fund of 5-6 months of living expenses, plus an emergency fund, move your money away from your country of residence. There are some quickly moving developments that make it a must to establish a financial identity quickly, outside of your country of residence.

If your money is stored in a Western bank, one of three things is going to happen soon, and none of them is good. Someone (a competitor, a nosy neighbor) discovers your online business and identity, and doxxes you. A bureaucrat gets suspicious and freezes your accounts with the push of a button. LE confiscates your accounts and, even when you are not charged with a crime, they keep your money.

Starting in the US, with FATCA, the death of financial privacy began. Now, the OECD and G20 are making it global, with GATCA. If you have not established a foreign account in a friendly bank operating outside of SWIFT/SEPA by mid-2016, you will have lost an opportunity to protect your financial privacy.

3. Diversify Your Currencies and Assets

piggy bankThe key to protecting yourself is to have a system in place to thoroughly tumble your assets, especially if they start in bitcoin, through cash, gold and income-producing real estate. As cash use has become restricted in EU countries, I have moved my clients to private off-market sales of their bitcoins, or straight swaps for gold and real estate.

Once your bitcoin is exchanged for another hard asset, the chance of authorities ever finding your money is diminished by 90-95 %.

4. Start Planning Now

plan-aheadThe greatest mistake my clients make is waiting until the last minute to plan the exit, often with LE right behind them. A solid, safe cash-out should be considered no less than a year to 18 months before you plan to bail.

Giving offshore companies, bank accounts and residency time to season raises your chances of a clean break, and lowers your chances of being flagged by KYC and AML profiles with your financial accounts.

Find someone you can trust (at least a little). As hard as it is in a business like DNM’s, surrounded by crooks and scumbags, there are a few people out there that actually do this as a profession.

In the next series of posts, I am going to drill down into case studies, ideas and specifics on where it is still safe (and easy) to open a bank account overseas, where to incorporate that can still totally shield your assets, and legal, effective ways to obtain a second passport in a no-or-low extradition country.

All of the advice and information I give here is current as of the date of posting, and everything here are the actual methods I use on a regular basis for my clients.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Am I required to show ID if I'm stopped for open carrying?

In Texas, there is a lot of debate about this both in legal and constitutional circles. We don't believe so, based on the legislature's own words in passing the open carry law. It was included in the legislative intent which anyone can read for themselves  HERE and HERE in their own words, that law enforcement cannot stop and demand an ID based solely on open carry. They can request it, but according to the legislature, they cannot demand it without PC or RS. You are not required to show an ID or a license to law enforcement unless you are suspected of committing a crime or volunteer to do so. Penal Code 38.02 makes this clear. It is important to ask the officer if you are suspected of committing a crime. He must have articulable circumstances that a crime was, is, or is about to be committed. Open carry is not solely a basis for demanding ID.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Standing Bear

"We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, the winding streams with tangled growth, as ‘wild’. Only to the white man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him was it ‘infested’ with ‘wild’ animals and ‘savage’ people. To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery.

Civilization has been thrust upon me…and it has not added one whit to my love for truth, honesty, and generosity."

- Luther Standing Bear 
  Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Obama calls for tougher knife controls after SUNY attack

GENESEO, N.Y. — President Obama renewed his call for stricter knife laws today after a 24-year-old man distraught over a recent breakup stabbed to death his ex-girlfriend and a fellow college athlete she was with in her off-campus bedroom before apparently killing himself with the same knife. "We don't have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a knife," Obama said.

Obama's remarks were not unlike the many others he's given following a killing during his presidency. But this time, he said the usual condolences could not express "the heartache and the sadness and the anger we feel" about the knifing at SUNY. "Any death of this sort is a tragedy. Any knifing involving multiple victims is a tragedy. There is something particularly heartbreaking about the death happening in a place in which we seek learning, and we seek sports, in a place of higher education,"

A 24-year-old man distraught over a recent breakup stabbed to death his ex-girlfriend and a fellow college athlete she was with in her off-campus bedroom before apparently killing himself with the same knife, police said Monday.

Colin Kingston, of Geneseo, entered Kelsey Annese's apartment around 6 a.m. Sunday near the State University of New York at Geneseo in upstate New York, police officer Jeffrey Szczensiak told reporters Monday. Kingston, who brought a large knife he had recently purchased, found her with another student, Matthew Hutchinson, of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kingston, a former student at the school, killed them both. It's possible that Annese, 21, and Hutchinson, 24, were sleeping when Kingston entered, but police were not sure. Kingston called his father before killing himself, Szczensiak said.

Friday, January 8, 2016

What is the 3%?

During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists. Three percenters today, for the most part, identify with this 3% because they were true patriots fighting for the freedoms the nation we love and honor was founded on. Three percenters intend to maintain their God-given natural rights to liberty and property. History itself, for good or ill, is made by determined minorities. Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to change the world. Indeed, it has never been done otherwise.
Many of us three percenters swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and affirming that we are guardians of the Republic, of the principles in our Declaration of Independence, and of the rights of our people, we affirm and declare the following: 
1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people. 
2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people 
3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to military tribunal. 
4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state. 
5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty. 
6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps. 
7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext. 
8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control." 
9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies. 
10.We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It Takes a Clinton to Murder a Village: Hillary Clinton Ordered Waco Massacre

Hillary Clinton– not Bill, not Janet Reno, not Webb Hubbell, not Vince Foster– ordered the assault on Waco that killed 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 children, and two pregnant women– and motivated Timothy McVeigh to participate in the Oklahoma City bombings two years later on April 19, 1995.

In the spring of 1993, Mrs. Clinton had grown increasingly impatient with the Waco standoff, which came to dominate the headlines– preventing the administration from moving forward on health care reform (Hillarycare).

Clinton pressured Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell to expedite a forceful resolution to the standoff.

Appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live, fmr. White House aide Linda Tripp suggested that Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster– at Mrs. Clinton’s direction– transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian compound, which culminated in a military style attack.

“Give me a reason not to do this,” Janet Reno is said to have begged aides shortly before orders were issued in the final assault– during which 85 Branch Davidians were burned alive.

Tripp’s allegations lend weight to charges made previously by Special Forces expert and Waco investigator, Steve Barry– who claimed Hillary Clinton set up a special “crisis center” in the White House to deal with Waco. Serving with her was Vincent Foster– who, according to his widow, was subsequently “fueled by horror at the carnage at Waco for which the White House had ultimately been responsible.”

In the 1999 documentary Waco: A New Revelation, former House Waco investigator T. March Bell recalled:

One of the interesting things that happens in an investigation is that you get anonymous phone calls.

We in fact received anonymous phone calls from Justice Department managers and attorneys who believe that pressure was placed on Janet Reno by Webb Hubbell, pressure that came from the first lady of the United States.

Foster himself was found dead, from a gun-shot wound to the head, in a Virginia park three months later. Could he have known too much about Waco?

Journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard maintains that Foster had been “drafting a letter involving Waco” on the very day of his death. Moreover Evans-Pritchard says that Foster kept a Waco file in a locked cabinet that was off limits to everyone, including his secretary.

Prior to Waco, Foster was “dignified, decent, caring, smart” says Linda Tripp; in its aftermath, “Vince was falling apart.”

Tripp was with the former White House deputy counsel when the news about Waco broke on television…

I was with him — well, we had CNN all the time, not to plug, but it was always on in the White House. And a special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face turned white, and he was absolutely crushed knowing, knowing the part he had played. And he had played the part at Mrs. Clinton’s direction.

There was a marked contrast between Foster’s heartfelt emotion to the Waco tragedy and Hillary Clinton’s.

Tripp insists: “Her reaction…was heartless”. Read more HERE