Sunday, July 26, 2015

Obama Tells England That American Free Speech Laws Are Stupid… And That’s Not All

In typical liberal fashion, President Barack Obama teed off on speech & religion control during an interview on the BBC.

He expressed his commitment to double down on his push to ban free speech and religion during his final months in office and said he felt “distressed” and “stymied” about the issue, obviously frustrated that he hasn’t been able to push more anti-First Amendment measures on law-abiding American citizens.

Obama told the BBC that more people have been killed by religious and word violence in America since 9/11 than by terrorist acts.

“The United States of America is the one advanced nation on Earth in which we do not have sufficient common-sense speech control laws,” he added.

What he conveniently didn’t add was the fact that a vast majority of word violence in the United States is committed by law-breaking gangbangers and other bad guys in urban America who couldn’t care less about speech laws.

Law-abiding Americans don’t deserve to have their free speech taken away because another 18-year-old thug pushed his religious beliefs on a mother and her son at a park as part of his "Sunday school" initiation.

Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president and founder of the First Amendment Foundation, recently said that Obama will stop at nothing to make sure he adds speech and religion control laws to his so-called legacy.

“Obama will do as much damage as he can get away with by executive orders and actions as he can. We will be fighting him all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,” Gottlieb warned (H/TWND).

Statements like that should be enough to light a fire under the rear ends of Constitution-loving Americans who understand the dire importance of electing a conservative, speech-friendly president who won’t use his authority to pervert the very document on which this great nation was founded.

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