Sunday, March 1, 2015

DHS a terrorist organization

The Department of Homeland Security is a terrorist organization. The latest political squabble that includes defunding DHS should be welcomed by all Americans. The government identiying it's own citizens as a threat, as DHS has done on a regular basis, is the tip of the police state's spear.

Congress passed the Patriot Act with little or no meaningful deliberation. And to the surprise of some, the surveillance programs that the Obama administration has justified and pursued are not substantially different from those of its predecessor. Americans have been “blacklisted, watchlisted, . . . spied on, and gagged.” Post-9/11 measures relating to the “material support” of terrorism have infringed on First Amendment rights. New surveillance techniques have threatened the privacy rights protected by the Fourth AmendmentIn defending the United States, the government must also defend the Constitution.

In its founding document, DHS defines terrorism as any activity involving an act that is "dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources," violates the criminal laws of the United States, and appears intended to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."

Sound familiar? This definition easily applies to any US military action since WW2. Or, the TSA's airport intimidation techniques.

Perhaps all the advances in population control learned in Iraq – establishing checkpoints, round-up intelligence collection, and the tracking of individuals’ movements – are appropriate to a military occupation.

But one has to wonder why so many James Bond toys and tactics are being actively evaluated, tested, adapted, and funded for domestic use by the Department of Homeland Security. And distributed to all manner of government agencies, even on a local level, as more and more now have (or are seeking) arrest and detention powers.

For example, new FOIA documents show TSA is planning a national campaign to expand Mobile Body Scanners to train stations and all forms of ground transportation. Part of a broader TSA program to expand road and highway test checkpoints throughout the country.

The agency’s so-called VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) system is part of a federal program known as “Checkpoint USA,” where federal VIPR teams “screen” travelers.

Instead of protecting Americans from al-Qaeda and other malefactors and boogiemen over-hyped by the establishment media, the massive agency created in the wake of the 9/11 functions now primarily to intimidate Americans, acclimate them to endless police state behavior, train them to submit to authority and, most recently, function as an illegal immigrant importation agency.

The TSA is merely one aspect of the emerging police state, albeit in your face at the airport and, increasingly, at sports venues and, as previously announced, coming soon to hotels, malls, and eventually on the streets of America.

Authoritarianism cannot function without an invasive and brutal overlay. That’s what the TSA, the NSA and the surveillance state and war machine apparatus is all about. It's true purpose is to create terror.

1 comment:

  1. "There comes a time in the history of nations when fear and complacency allow power to accumulate and liberty and privacy to suffer. That time is now. And I will not let the Patriot Act, the most un-patriotic of acts, go unchallenged."

    Rand Paul
    May 20, 2015
