Monday, August 4, 2014

Come the Day

"For look, the day shall come, burning like a furnace, and all the proud, and every wrongdoer shall be stubble. And the day that shall come shall burn them up," said The Lord of hosts, "which leaves to them neither root nor branch."

Thanks to my old world blogging, I now stay far under the radar. I bought a few hardscrabble acres many years ago for cash under a shell corporation name. I rarely leave the place. When I do, I'll stay with my homeless brethren in town. So far, I haven't had any official unwanted visits. I hope you understand... no real names  & no photos.

There are various remnants of what you might call government still around... some worse than others. The People have essentially been reduced to prisoners & slaves. Those holding power have been absolutely corrupted.

The roots of this madness began many years ago. A shadow US government was set up after 9/11 under the Continuity of Operations Plan, to ensure that certain agencies maintain control under a broad range of circumstances. They basically staged a coup shortly after the collapse & set up their headquarters in a hollowed-out mountain in western Virginia... Mount Weather, look it up.

Pseudo-governments have sprung up to fill the void. There's a former Austin radio host who set up camp in the caves & hills outside of Llano... he lives like some kind of hill country Walter Kurtz. I hear a couple thousand people up there regard him as a god... & he's starting to believe them. They've been fighting a pretty effective hit & run war against the new police state... problem is, they feel justified to take anything they want as a tithe.

We're now at the mercy of the Unholy Trinity... FEMA, Homeland Security & TSA. Bureaucrats have replaced all elected officials & the constitution has been terminated. FEMA wields enormous power, herding folks into refugee camps to die of disease or violence. The Homeland Security Dept uses data collected by the NSA to eliminate pretty much anyone they want to. As you've seen, the airport Nazis from TSA now have check points on all main roadways. Summary executions, disappearances & expropriation are standard operating procedure with all these folks... Little wonder that we have a guerilla war going on.

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