Friday, August 2, 2013

Liar, Liar

Obama's phony scandal... dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during the September 11th terrorist attack

For almost a year, Obama has lied over and over again to the American people to provide cover for his horrendous decision-making that left four Americans to die in Benghazi at the hands of terrorists. He also kept a lid on the identities and whereabouts of as many as 33 survivors of the 9/11/12 Benghazi terrorist attacks, witnesses to the murder of four Americans. This should incense you! We have been calling for a full investigation into all events surrounding Benghazi. We ask for your support as we fight Obama’s lies and cover-up.

Obama and Hillary Clinton are desperate to keep these witnesses and their testimony silent. Simply put, they want these witnesses to sit down, shut-up, and be grateful that they still have a job. They want you to believe that this terrorist attack is not important. After all, Hillary Clinton did said, “What difference does it make?” If the truth doesn't come out about Benghazi, Hillary Clinton could potentially be our next president. This lack of action and cover-up should have consequences.
It’s the difference between real leadership and lack thereof.

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