Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is Adam Kokesh crazy or courageous?

(NaturalNews) Adam vs. the Man activist Adam Kokesh, a Marine Corps Reserve veteran, has announced an armed march on Washington D.C. for July 4th. The event calls for protesters to carry loaded rifles slung across their backs as they march on Washington. It has been announced on Kokesh's Facebook page.

Appearing briefly on the Alex Jones Show today, Adam Kokesh explained, "This is an armed revolt against the American government. Make no mistake about it."

The mainstream media is already calling Kokesh "radicalized," although such accusations carry no credibility whatsoever from a leftist media that believes anyone who even owns a gun is a possible terrorist. So I don't pay any attention to what they call people. Most media heads are freedom-hating morons to begin with. Their voices don't even count.

So let's examine this from the perspective of the informed, liberty-minded kind of people who read Natural News:

On one hand, there's no denying Adam Kokesh has a monstrous set of cajones. Announcing such an event takes a level of courage bordering on sheer insanity (for reasons I'll outline below). But at one level, you gotta hand it to Kokesh for being willing to stand his ground on issues he believes in. If more people followed their passions and refused to be silenced by government, we wouldn't be living under a tyrannical government regime in the first place.

On the issue of gun rights, Kokesh and I agree on the principles: Americans have a sacred right to "keep and bear arms," and yes, that even means walking down the street with an AR-15 slung over your shoulder if that's your choice.

Doing so in Washington D.C., however, is currently a crime (because of DC's unconstitutional gun laws), and that means Kokesh and those who join him in the march are willing to be arrested or possibly even shot for standing their ground on their beliefs.

Again, that stance is actually commendable at a philosophical level. If you're not willing to die for liberty, you don't really understand what liberty is. But what concerns me about this march is not the principle upon which it is being conducted... it's the ease in which the whole thing could be turned into a government false flag event