Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Disagreement is Treason

"A horrifying aspect of modern life is how nearly daily threats to fundamental freedoms and human rights nearly require that citizens become politically aware and active.

Here we are struggling to put food on the table, cultivate a civilized private life, support things we care about, manage our households, and otherwise meet all the challenges of modern life, and then some jerk politician pushes some dangerous legislation that poses an all-out attack on everything we take for granted.

One of those things we take for granted is the freedom to disagree with the government and its policies.

Consider now the Enemy Expatriation Act now being pushed by Republican Charles Dent of Pennsylvania and Democrat Joe Leiberman of Connecticut. This act adds to existing law that makes it a crime to support materially governments with which the U.S. is at war.

As Dent explains, the U.S. no longer limits its wars to governments. It takes on what it calls terrorists without regard to national identity. Therefore, he says, we need a new law that grants broader power to the state to crush its home-grown foes.

The Enemy Expatriation Act therefore allows the U.S. government to strip citizenship from anyone who is found to be “engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States.”

The ironic effect of a law like this is that the best citizens we have will end up being stripped of their citizenship, leaving only the cowards, sycophants, and brainless as the model citizens with full rights to live here and vote. Granted, it is the dream of every government that all its subjects obey without question. That day that dream comes true is that day we should all welcome banishment."

- Jeffrey Tucker


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