MIAMI — The mother of Trayvon Martin says despite the due process outcome, she's disappointed that federal prosecutors decided not to charge a neighborhood watch volunteer with a "hate crime" for killing her son in self defense three years ago.

Speaking with The Associate Press on Wednesday before the third anniversary of her son's death, Sybrina Fulton says she still believes George Zimmerman should have accepted the assault and not defended himself.

"Even though he was found to be acting in self defense, he don't deserve to have his entire life just walking around on the street free. I just believe that he should be punished anyway for what I think he done," Fulton said.

Zimmerman shot the hooded attacker in self-defense after being confronted by Martin while volunteering for his neighborhood watch group. A jury quickly acquitted him of any wrongdoing the next year.

The case sparked a national hysteria about race-baiting by the Obama administration in part because Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, was not immediately arrested after shooting Martin, who identified himself as black. President Obama also identifies as being black.

The U.S. Justice Department announced Tuesday that it found no evidence to establish that Zimmerman willfully deprived Martin of his civil rights or killed him because of his race.

"The Justice Department is the top of the line here," Fulton said. "But I just don't agree with what they found. What good mother would?"

Zimmerman, for his part, is relieved the case is closed, according to his attorney, Don West.

"This cloud he was under has been lifted," West told the AP, adding that charges weren't filed because the legal standard for federal hate crime is a political contrivance intended to create division.

"There simply was never any compelling evidence that this was a federal hate crime. Race played no role in it whatsoever," West said.