Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Ending War

 In envisioning a future without war, we can explore the possibilities of a world where conflicts are resolved through peaceful means and global cooperation prevails. While achieving the complete elimination of war is a lofty goal, assuming it for the purpose of this exercise, let's explore how technology systems could contribute to this vision:

1. Advanced Diplomatic Tools: Future technology can revolutionize diplomacy, providing advanced tools for communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) platforms could allow leaders and diplomats to engage in immersive and empathetic dialogue, fostering deeper understanding and cooperation. AI-powered language translation systems could bridge language barriers, facilitating smoother communication during negotiations.

2. Global Governance and Collaborative Decision-Making: Technology systems can support the development of global governance structures, where nations come together to address global challenges collectively. Online platforms and AI-powered decision-making tools can enable collaborative decision-making processes, ensuring that the diverse perspectives and interests of nations are considered. This inclusive approach to governance can help prevent conflicts and promote peaceful resolutions.

3. Advancements in Energy and Resource Management: Future technologies could lead to significant advancements in energy generation, resource management, and sustainability. Access to abundant clean energy sources and efficient resource allocation can help address some of the underlying causes of conflicts, such as competition over scarce resources. By reducing resource scarcity and promoting sustainable practices, technology can diminish the drivers of conflict.

4. Virtual Conflict Resolution and Simulations: Advanced virtual simulations and conflict resolution systems can provide a platform for nations to resolve their differences without resorting to violence. Through immersive simulations, nations can test various scenarios and assess the potential outcomes of their actions. This can promote understanding, de-escalation, and the exploration of peaceful alternatives to conflicts.

5. Enhanced Global Intelligence and Surveillance: Technology systems can evolve to provide comprehensive global intelligence and surveillance capabilities aimed at preventing and deterring conflicts. Advanced satellite systems, AI-powered analysis, and real-time monitoring can detect and address emerging threats promptly. Such capabilities can enable early intervention, mediation, and the prevention of conflicts before they escalate.

6. Emphasis on Education and Cultural Exchange: Education and cultural exchange play a crucial role in fostering understanding, empathy, and peaceful coexistence. In the future, technology could offer even more innovative ways to connect people across borders, promoting cultural exchange, and facilitating educational programs that emphasize peace, conflict resolution, and global citizenship. Virtual classrooms, language-learning platforms, and AI tutors could provide accessible and inclusive educational opportunities to people worldwide.

It is important to recognize that the complete elimination of war is a highly idealistic vision, and achieving it would require profound societal, political, and cultural changes in addition to technological advancements. While technology can contribute significantly to peacebuilding efforts, it must be accompanied by efforts to address deep-rooted causes of conflicts, such as inequality, ideological differences, and geopolitical tensions. Nevertheless, by leveraging the potential of technology, we can strive for a future where peaceful resolutions prevail, international cooperation thrives, and the devastation caused by war becomes a thing of the past.

Is government obsolete?

Technology may be the solution to maximizing individual liberty and minimizing the role of government in people's lives. While completely replacing the government with technology systems is an ambitious idea, I can outline some solutions that incorporate online polling, artificial intelligence, peer-to-peer transactions, and high-speed analysis to achieve a more efficient and less oppressive form of governance while reducing taxation.

1. Online Polling and Direct Democracy: Utilizing online polling platforms, citizens can directly participate in decision-making processes. Rather than relying solely on elected representatives, individuals can vote on important issues, laws, and policies, ensuring a more direct and participatory democracy. This empowers citizens and reduces the influence of special interest groups.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis: By implementing advanced AI algorithms and high-speed analysis, we can streamline the decision-making process. AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and provide evidence-based recommendations to policymakers. This reduces political biases and ensures more objective and efficient governance.

3. Peer-to-Peer Transactions and Decentralization: Embracing decentralized technologies, such as blockchain, can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions and contracts, reducing the need for intermediaries and minimizing government control. Smart contracts can automate certain aspects of governance, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and security in areas like property rights, business transactions, and dispute resolution.

4. Reducing the Tax Burden: By implementing these technological advancements, we can significantly reduce the need for bureaucratic structures and excessive government expenditures. This, in turn, allows for lower taxation and frees up resources for individuals to allocate as they see fit. The goal should be to shift from an intrusive taxation system towards voluntary and market-based funding mechanisms for essential services, such as private charities, community initiatives, and mutual aid societies.

5. Emphasizing Individual Liberty: The focus of this technological transformation should be on safeguarding and enhancing individual liberty. By minimizing the role of government, we protect personal freedoms, privacy rights, and property rights. This includes reducing surveillance, limiting the regulatory burden on businesses and individuals, and promoting the principle of non-aggression, where the use of force is only justified in self-defense.

However, it is important to note that while technology can enhance governance, it may not completely replace the need for certain functions of government, such as national defense or the protection of individual rights. The transition towards a more technology-driven governance system should be gradual, ensuring that checks and balances are in place to prevent the concentration of power and protect against potential abuses.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a system where individual liberty is paramount, and individuals have more control over their own lives, while ensuring that necessary collective actions are carried out efficiently and voluntarily.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Life During Wartime

Heard of a van that is loaded with weapon
Packed up and ready to go

Heard of some grave sites out by the highway
A place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire off in the distance
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstone, I lived in the ghetto
I've lived all over this town

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey
I ain't got time for that now

Transmit the message to the receiver
Hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, couple of visas
Don't even know my real name
High on a hillside trucks are loading
Everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nightime
I might not ever get home

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
This ain't no mudd club, or C.B.G.B.
I ain't got time for that now

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey
I ain't got time for that now

Heard about houston? heard about detroit?
Heard about pittsburgh, PA?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
Somebody might see you up there
I got some groceries, some peanut butter
To last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones
Ain't got no records to play

Why stay in college? why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time?
Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard
I can't write nothing at all
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
I'd love you hold you, I'd like to kiss you
I ain't got no time for that now

Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock
We blended in with the crowd
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines
I know that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives
Or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle so many times now
Don't know what I look like
You make me shiver, I feel so tender
We make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving
You ought to get you some sleep
Burned all my notebooks, what good are notebooks?
They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace
The burning keeps me alive

Thursday, January 9, 2020


“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few... No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fear is the Foundation of Government

That's how John Adams put it in an important 1776 letter (back when he was still one of the good guys). He also pointed out that fear makes people "so stupid and miserable" while leading to bigger and more dangerous government. The Founders sure didn't mince words. And neither should we.

I couldn't think of a better reminder for September 11th...18 years ago, that horrific event lead to what some call the culmination of an already-steady path towards the destruction of freedom. A path that started long ago - from the mid 19th century to 1913, WWII and beyond.

These days, to question the wisdom of this insane government that spies on us, lies to us, destroys the dollar, runs up trillions in debt, wages almost endless war, attacks our right to keep and bear arms, uses indefinite detention, takes away due process - and so much more... questioning or rejecting this gets you called a "conspiracy nut."

But James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," would've been called the same today. Check out this warning from a 1798 letter to Thomas Jefferson:  "Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger real or pretended from abroad."

It's a universal, timeless truth - that government will use fear of foreign threat to grow their own power and take our liberty.  And fear drives people to make the absolutely stupid choice of letting them - or even encouraging them.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


‘The Three Percenters - Original’ is a national organization made up of patriotic citizens who love their country, their freedoms, and their liberty. We are committed to standing against and exposing corruption and injustice.

We are NOT a militia. However, we do have meetings on local levels. These meetings are to help members network together and to learn from each other. Being a Three Percenter is more of a way of life rather than a club to join. As such, there are no membership fees or dues and we will not charge people to participate in a movement that defends civil liberties. However, some events may be held at facilities that require admission. This can be paid individually, as a group, or through a legal means of fundraising. Operational costs (Website hosting, forum, domains, store, etc) are paid for privately by the National Leader with aid from proceeds from the online store. Mostly, we are an “open source community” meaning, we help each other and try not to rely on third parties or institutions that cost money for our operations. We consist exclusively of volunteers and no member at any level is on any payroll provided by our organization.

We are NOT anti-government. In fact, we are very pro-government, so long as the government abides by the Constitution, doesn't overstep its bounds, and remains “for the people and by the people”. Our goal is to utilize the failsafes put in place by our founders to rein in an overreaching government and push back against tyranny. We are working to preserve the intent of our government as designed. We do not intend to implement our own government. There is often a misconception that we are wanting to overthrow the government. This is simply not true and a false rumor to try and paint our movement as anti-government.

We do not seek to incite a revolution. However, we will defend ourselves when necessary. We are not here to create violence. Violence should always be a last resort and even then should only be defensive in nature.

Our National Facebook page is at www.facebook.com/threepercenters/


In the mid-1700’s, the British colonies of North America had many reasons to be disgruntled with the British Empire and the ruling class in England. Recognizing that things would get worse before they got better, many amongst the people banded together to push an ideology they all shared. This ideology identified and acknowledged that every person has from birth certain rights. These are not granted by any authority other than their Creator. The limitation or denial of these rights is defined as tyranny and oppression. These bands of people worked together to peacefully resolve the abuses of their government, but recognized that peace was not a guaranteed solution.

Eventually, an idea was coined of having “Minutemen” available at a moment’s notice should the King’s tyranny show up in their town, on their streets, or at their door. These Minutemen would meet, train, and prepare to defend themselves, their family, and their townships from an ever encroaching empire. It is from these Minutemen where the 3% name originated. It is a rough estimate that only 3% of the colonists were actively fighting in the field against British forces at any given time. Today we recognize with this 3% in being that we will be the last defense to protect the citizens of the United States if there ever comes a day when our government takes up arms against the American people.


All Three Percenters must abide by the following principles. Anyone who cannot accept these principles as a self-imposed discipline are not welcome in this organization, nor should ever consider themselves a part of the Three Percent movement.

1. Moral Strength - Knowing what is right and wrong and acting accordingly. Being trustworthy, truthful, and holding high values and principles. Strength to stand up when something is morally wrong.

2. Physical Readiness - Physical readiness is defined as the ability to meet the physical demands of any task in order to accomplish the objective at hand. There are some III%ers that have disabilities that prevent them from meeting physical demands and for these there is an exception.

3. No First Use of Force - "Don't fire unless fired upon". We are not the aggressor nor antagonist. We are purely defensive and only as a last resort.


The goal and main focus of ‘The Three Percenters - Original’ is to get patriots to network, prepare, and petition together on a local level. We intend to provide a framework and guidance that ‘The People’ can use to make positive change in restoring the founding principles of our Constitutional Republic. We plan to leverage incorporated fail-safes and laws to ensure success in preserving the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Leadership roles in this organization were created to achieve this goal and to serve, not command, those they are appointed over.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Is Iran waging a hacker war?

Iran has increased its offensive cyberattacks against the U.S. government and critical infrastructure as tensions have grown between the two nations, cybersecurity firms say.

“It’s important to remember that cyber is not some magic offensive nuke you can fly over and drop one day,” said Oren Falkowitz, a former National Security Agency analyst. It takes years of planning, he said, but as tensions increase, “cyber impact is going to be one of the tools they use and one of the hardest things to defend against.”

Any highly centralised energy system—pipelines, nuclear plants, refineries—invite devastating attack. If terrorist groups could sufficiently damage safety systems to cause a core meltdown at a nuclear power plant, and/or sufficiently damage spent fuelpools, such an attack could lead to widespread radioactive contamination.

Suspected for years of plotting to dismantle the U.S. electric grid, American officials have confirmed that Iranian military brass have endorsed a nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that would attack the country's power system. One nuclear warhead detonated at high-altitude over the United States would blackout the national electric grid and other life sustaining critical infrastructures for months or years by means of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). A nationwide blackout lasting one year, according to the Congressional EMP Commission, could cause chaos and starvation that leaves 90 percent of Americans dead.